ACTRESS : 波多野結衣

DESCRIPTION : チェーン展開する居*屋のエリアマネージャーを担当している波多野。ある日、売上げが思わしくない店舗の立て直しを命ぜられる。しかし店長として着任したものの、売り上げは着任前と変わらず、むしろ下がる状況が数か月続いた。切羽詰った彼女は驚愕すべき方法を選んでしまう…。Hatano is the area manager of a chain of izakaya (Japanese style pubs). One day, she is assigned to rebuild a store whose sales are not doing well. However, although she is appointed as the manager, sales remain the same as they were before her appointment, and in fact, continue to decline for several months. In desperation, she chooses an astonishing method…

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